Thursday, August 28, 2008

Grade 6: Pitch Names

Each sound is different, but all sounds are produced by vibrations (try touching your neck while talking to feel vibration). Even and regular vibrations produce a sound called musical tone. A succession of tones arranged beautifully creates a pleasing sound called Melody.

Every musical tone is represented by a note written on the staff. Its position on the staff determines the pitch. Pitch is the quality of tone determined by the frequency of its vibrations.

Pitch Names are the capital letters of the English alphabet A-G used to signify the lines and spaces of the staff. The pitch names of the lines are EGBDF (Every Good Boy Does Fine); the pitch names of the spaces are FACE. A note carries the pitch name of the line or space where it is located. Each letter represents a so-fa syllable name as shown below.

Let's Take Note

Pitch names are letter names of the lines and spaces of the staff. Notes, which represent tones, take the pitch names of the lines or spaces where they are placed.

Let's Answer

Complete the story by forming the words using pitch names.

One day, took a to visit the animal shelter. He brought acontaining . He the animals which joy to his. He also put water in the for the animals to drink. That night he went to happy because he knew he had done a good.