Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grade 5: Chromatic Scale

Chromatic Scale is composed of series of half step keys in ascending or descending order.

When singing notes in cumulative order of black and white keys on the piano, you are playing a chromatic scale. Keys raised by half step use sharp (), while flat () lowers the pitch by half step.

A series of 13 consecutive half step keys in ascending or descending order makes up a chromatic scale.

(Ascending Order)

(Descending Order)

Sharp is used in ascending order while Flat is applied in descending order of the Chromatic Scale.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Grade 6: G Major Scale

G Major Scale has a sharp on the fifth line and the keynote is located on the second line of the staff.

Grade 6: F Major Scale

F Major Scale has a flat sign on the third line and its keynote is located on the first space of the staff.

Grade 5: G Major and E Minor Scales

The keynote of G Major Scale is on the second line of the staff. Analyze the G Major Scale below.

E Minor Scale is the relative minor of G Major scale. Analyze the E Minor Scale below.

Let's Take Note

F or fa
is raised by 1/2 step in G Major and E Minor Scales. # sign is used in raising the pitch by 1/2 step.

Pattern of Whole Steps and Half Steps


Minor: W-H-W-W-H-W-W

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grade 5: C Major and A Minor Scales

C Major and A Minor scales are written with the same key signatures.

Click image to enlarge
The ascending scale of C major is composed of series of two whole steps as in DO-RE, RE-MI; half step as in MI-FA; and three whole steps as in FA-SO, SO-LA, LA-TI; and another half step TI-DO. The scale may also be written in descending order.

C major scale begins and ends with DO.

Notice that both scales have no chromatic signs (sharp or flat sign).

A Minor Scale begin and end with LA.

Let's Take Note

Major and minor keys have the same key signatures but different keynotes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Grade 6: C Major Scale

Scale is a succession of eight notes that may go up or go down the staff without skipping or repeating. Notes going up the staff is the ascending scale; and notes going down the staff is the descending scale.

Click image to enlarge

Let's Take Note

The C major scale is composed of eight successive notes on the staff starting from the ledger line below in ascending or descending order.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Grade 6: Pitch Names

Each sound is different, but all sounds are produced by vibrations (try touching your neck while talking to feel vibration). Even and regular vibrations produce a sound called musical tone. A succession of tones arranged beautifully creates a pleasing sound called Melody.

Every musical tone is represented by a note written on the staff. Its position on the staff determines the pitch. Pitch is the quality of tone determined by the frequency of its vibrations.

Pitch Names are the capital letters of the English alphabet A-G used to signify the lines and spaces of the staff. The pitch names of the lines are EGBDF (Every Good Boy Does Fine); the pitch names of the spaces are FACE. A note carries the pitch name of the line or space where it is located. Each letter represents a so-fa syllable name as shown below.

Let's Take Note

Pitch names are letter names of the lines and spaces of the staff. Notes, which represent tones, take the pitch names of the lines or spaces where they are placed.

Let's Answer

Complete the story by forming the words using pitch names.

One day, took a to visit the animal shelter. He brought acontaining . He the animals which joy to his. He also put water in the for the animals to drink. That night he went to happy because he knew he had done a good.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Grade 5: Melodic Pattern

Melody is one of the basic elements of music. It is a series of tones sounded one after another. Tones arranged beautifully produce a pleasant sound.

Melodic Pattern is an arrangement of notes in succession. Pattern may be in ascending, descending directions or arranged in repeated movement.

Try singing the song below and notice how the notes move in the staff.

Groovy Kind of Love
by: Phil Collins

The movement of tones may go up and down the staff by steps and by skips. It may be a step up or a step down. It may even be a skip up or a skip down regardless of how many intervals there are. But there are some notes which don't move. They remain on the same line or space.

Let's Take Note

Tones symbolized by notes on the staff have movement. Notes move up or down the staff in steps or skips.